2016 - present: Sufu & Exodus 25
2013 - 2016: Senior PM & CS Director at Adido
2009 - 2011: PM at Merchant Marketing Group
2007 - 2009: PM at Five by Five
2001 - 2007 - AM / Production Manager at DVA
that influences my work
'Alchemy' - Rory Sutherland
'The Creative Act: A Way of Being' - Rick Rubin
'Imagined Communities' - Benedict Anderson
'The Road to Hell' - Nick Asbury
'Awe' - Dacher Keltner
Music playlist
'Sapiens' - Yuval Noah Harari
'The Choice Factory' - Richard Shotton
'Thinking, Fast and Slow' - Daniel Kahneman
'Decoded' - Phil Barden
'The 22 immutable laws of Branding' - Al & Laura Ries